Wow. There is so much money to be made in Forex, yet people are not in to reap the rewards. I guess people are either too ignorant about this market or too busy wasting their life away on something.
Anyhow, Forex is just a brother of the Stock Market. They are basically the same. If you know the Stock Market, you basically know Forex.
Personally, I prefer Forex because my head likes to stay focus. In the Stock Market, there are way too many companies to research. My head is limited and not loaded with gigabytes of memories.
My ranting is not organize and not coherent, I write on the spur on the moment.
Anyhow, people need to get into this market and start trading. There was a law, The Law of Pareto, that I once admired. However, it is out the door. Basically, this law says 20% of your work or effort brings out the result and 80% is useless. Hmm??? I doubt it. Thinking like this and I will certainly not use my bring capacity or effort to its fullest capacity. I will always be doing 20% only, not good!
Stubborn people still use Pareto's law but not me. Majority of people know this law and follow this law, yet 95% of people are always losers. I think I see a relationship. Follow this myth and YOU WILL NEVER gain experience because you are always down in the 20% capacity only. I hope you get it. YOU NEED "live" experiences as much as many as you can NOT just 20% of the time!
If you have to lose some money so be it because it will all be the worthwhile. All businesses have costs such as storage cost, inventory cost, and employee cost. Let go the greed and accept the cost as worthwhile expenses for greater profits.
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